In the Media

Mt Wilson/ Mt Irvine Brigade members have participated in many incidents and events both locally and in support of other Brigades and States, some of which which have appeared in the media.

Community First Responder is a program of the Mt Wilson/ Mt Irvine Rural Fire Brigade who provide emergency life sustaining support for people who have dialed '000' for the ambulance, while the ambulance is travelling to the patient. In February 2008 the Community First Responders continued their training in Lithgow.

The Barkers Creek Fire near Warragamba in early November 2006 was a large fire with the potential to threaten many towns and Villages near Warragamba Dam and in the Blue Mountains.

The pdf September 2011 edition of Everyday Endeavours (1.60 MB) , the staff newspaper of Endeavour Energy recorded the clean-up operations in Mt Wilson after the severe windstorm of Tuesday 5th July 2011. This edition used photos of Mt Wilson supplied by Peter Raines. The extensive damage in Mt Wilson, and in other parts of the upper Blue Mountains, is well chronicled here.

Opening of the new Mt Wilson Fire Station in 1998.

On the 2nd and 3rd January 2011 Mt Wilson/Mt Irvine RF Brigade volunteers participated in a rescue of climbers who had been stuck at the bottom of the cliff. Peter Raines was one of the rescue party of 5 that found the climbers and stayed with them overnight and walked them out the next day. Other Brigade volunteers provided support and communications to the rescue parties.