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Description and Objectives

The Mount Wilson Progress Association Inc is an incorporated non profit entity which maintains the Mount Wilson village and reserves in the precinct. It works on behalf of members who are owners of property in Mt Wilson. It also owns the Marcus Clark Reserve and manages the reserve to maintain the flora and fauna in that area of the village.

The Association works with various authorities to improve services to the village and to maintain the character of the village in accordance with the wishes of the members of the Association.

It owns and maintains this website to provide information to visitors and to the Mt Wilson and Mt Irvine communities.


Looking along The Avenue towards the Church

Looking along The Avenue towards the Church

The Mt Wilson Progress Association provides a voice for the residents, maintains the village and undertakes projects to beautify the area. The Association publishes a quarterly newsletter and maintains this website.

The Mount Wilson Progress Association Inc. is incorporated under NSW Associations Incorporation Regulation 1994 and has the following objectives:

  1. To provide a means whereby members might come together to express views and discuss issues relating to the Mount Wilson district.
  2. To express and represent the views of its members and to carry out their wishes, as far as this is possible, co-operating where desirable with local, state government and other authorities.