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Joining the Brigade

We welcome new members and we offer a multitude of roles other than firefighting. Some of the roles are: firefighting, station officer, catering, managing equipment, and community engagement, are all critical – there is a job for everyone in our Brigade.

To join the Mt Wilson/Mt Irvine Rural Fire Brigade as an active member, you will need to join the NSW Rural Fire Service.  

  1. To Join the RFS go to: and complete the online RFS application. You will need to have:
    • Personal details such as name, previous name if you had one, address, email, phone numbers, date of birth, emergency contact and their phone numbers, any disabilities or medical condition which might affect your ability to participate in the RFS
    • Details of your Passport, Firearms licence, and Drivers licence if you have them.
    • A scanned image of your:
      • Passport
      • Driver’s licence
    • A card such as your Medicare card or a credit card
    • Another card such as a credit card
    • Details of residences covering at least the last 5 years, and the approximate dates in each location.

Following submission of your the eMembership form, you will be interviewed by senior Brigade members, and the application approved. It is then approved by District Manager, prior to final processing. You will then receive an email confirming your membership including a Membership Number and One NSWRFS login details.

  1. Complete online Membership Induction (MI) course.  If your membership is complete, go to and login. Complete the MI course. You can do it as many times as you like, so don’t worry about getting something wrong as you do them. Take a screenshot of the finla page when you pass the MI course so you have a record of your passing just in case there is any difficulty having it addedd to your RFS membership record.

    It will help you to understand the process if you review the Candidate Guide before you make a final decision.

    We welcome new members and encourage you to join. Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.