Bushfire Information for Visitors
Mt Wilson and Mt Irvine are areas of extreme bushfire risk. If you are travelling to Mt Wilson or Mt Irvine during the bushfire season (usually 1st October to 31st March) it is wise to check first that conditions are safe. There are a number of websites which provide vital information on bushfire activity:
- The NSW Rural Fire Service website provides the latest information on current bushfires in NSW as well as tips on travelling, camping, bushwalking and caravanning during the bushfire season. Check to see what the Fire Danger Rating is and if there is a Total Fire Ban (TOBAN).
Even outside the bushfire season hazard reductions may be taking place (usually in spring or autumn) which may lead to delays, decreased visibility due to smoke and road and park closures. The NSW RFS website will have the latest updates on hazard reduction activity.
The NSW RFS has a free app, 'Hazards Near me', which provides warnings of fires in your vicinity. However, please note that mobile phone reception at Mt Wilson and Mt Irvine is erratic.
- The National Parks and Wildlife Service website provides information on park closures and hazard reduction activity in National Parks.
- The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) website provides warnings on road closures due to fires or reduced visibility on roads due to smoke.
If you are travelling to Mt Wilson and Mt Irvine during the bushfire season take plenty of water, tell someone where you are going and IF CONDITIONS ARE NOT GOOD, DON'T GO.