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Artists in Residence

Artist in Residence, The Old School Mt Wilson beauty, diversity, tranquility

The Old School

The Old School House, Mount Wilson commenced an Artist in Residence program in 2019. This is a volunteer based, not for profit organisation aiming to share the beauty, diversity and tranquility of Mount Wilson, providing an opportunity for artists to work, be supported by and engage with the local community.

The program provides residency, accommodation and studio, for one month for both emerging and established artists and suits musicians/composers, writers, visual and textile artists. 

Each resident will give a community engagement event.

Applications are now open and close Friday 31 May
for the October 2024 to June 2025 period.
There is no residency offered for April

For more information or to be added to our email list, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Old School Mt Wilson gratefully acknowledges the commitment and generosity of our supporters.

  • Anne de Salis & Martin Barge
  • Nancy Fox AM & Bruce Arnold
  • Steve Gracie
  • Griffin Foundation
  • Mary Holt OAM
  • Joe & Elizabeth Montano
  • Anon (1)

Please consider making a donation towards the future of the Artists in Residence program at The Old School. Your gift, of any size, is a vital contribution to the program’s future.

All gifts over $2 are fully tax-deductible.

To support The Old School Artists in Residence program, you can:

  • Make a direct deposit to:
    • Account name: The Old School Mt Wilson Public Fund
    • BSB: 082-678
    • Account: 31 143 7891
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please include your name in the description to receive your tax-deductible receipt.

To find out about past residencies please visit our
alumni page and read their interesting histories.