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The Mounts Newsletters

Listed below is a collection of newsletters (The Mounts) published and distributed by the Mount Wilson Progress Association. The newsletters are provided regularly to the residents of Mount Wilson and Mount Irvine (currently they are published quarterly).

If you enjoy reading these and own property at Mt Wilson, you may wish to consider joining the Mount Wilson Progress Association to help us to maintain and improve the public facilities of the two villages.

State Mine Fire October 2013 Special Edition

We understand that there will be interest in this edition of The Mounts beyond those who will receive it directly. You are welcome to forward this newsletter to family and friends who might be interested but please respect the photographers by not sharing their images outside of this newsletter. Please contact the credited photographer or the editors of The Mounts (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you want to have or use an image.