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Sites Managed by the MWPA

There are a number of area in Mt Wilson that are managed by the Mt Wilson Progress Association on behalf of the Mt Wilson Community. Please take care of these places so that they can continue to be enjoyed by all.

Cathedral Reserve

Picnic Area with fire pits.

Cathedral Reserve is on the Mt Irvine Rd on the way out of the Mt Wilson village travelling towards Mt Irvine opposite the Cathedral of Ferns. It is a large open area with Liquidambers along the Mt Irvine Rd and rainforest behind the reserve.

Silva Plana

Large open field and picnic area.

 A small house which was named by the Mann Family, Silva Plana, after a house they had owned in Springwood stood in the Merewether Paddock of which Silva Plana today is also a part. 

Marcus Clark Reserve

Providing access to this reserve allows people to view a type of vegetation not common at Mt Wilson and keeps some of the native vegetation close to the main road through the village.

Sloan Reserve

The Mt Wilson Bush Care Group has worked tirelessly in Sloan Reserve and today the reserve is a beautiful area near the centre of the village with many tree ferns and other rainforest species.

Valder Bridge

The Valder Bridge was constructed by Alan and Stewart Gunn in 1996. It is in Sloan Reserve and allows people to walk around the reserve and along to Hay Lane.

Gregson Park

Gregson Park, together with Jefferson Bridge, recently rebuilt in 1993 and which straddles Waterfall Creek, links the bottom end of Waterfall Road and Wyndham Avenue.

The Jefferson Bridge

The Jefferson Bridge was named and opened on 2nd May 1993 by the Mayor of the Blue Mounatins City Council, Alderman Bob Clarke.