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Cathedral of Ferns walk

From the Cathedral Reserve Picnic Ground it only takes about 10 minutes to walk through to the Cathedral of Ferns. It is another must for all visitors to Mount Wilson. Allow half an hour to do the complete walk. The Cathedral walk is lovely in the mist. On a warm summer evening there are often fire flies in this area, just on dark.

Starting at the Picnic Ground, walk into the Cathedral of Ferns and watch out for the Giant Tree. This is a massive Messmate or Fastigata, which was sadly hit by lightning recently and has died. Wander up beyond it and the path will come out on a track. Turn right here onto the track, but then keep to the left all the time. Go through a gate with a hole in it (not the 'private property' one). Keep to the left track until you come back near to the Picnic Ground. There are lovely wild flowers here in October and November.